Local Author at Main Library 5/3/2017, 4/17/2017
Francie Winters reading and book signing!
LAKEVIEW, Ore.—April 17, 2017— The Lake County Library District is pleased to host local author Francie Winters for a reading and book signing at the Main Library in Lakeview at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, May 3, 2017. Winters has written for all ages and the whole family is welcome. READ MORE BELOW FLYER...

While Francie spends her days as the new Prevention officer at Lake Health District, she spends much of her free time penning books. Writing as E. F. Winters, she has four published works out – a picture book and three novels. The main character for one novel, Memeloose, is an elementary-aged youth, although the book has been thoroughly enjoyed by adults. Two novels are in a series for young adults.
Winters writing work is a natural outgrowth of her time spent as a professional storyteller and acting instructor in the Pacific Northwest, The East Coast, and Southern Nevada. As a storyteller, she has delighted audiences of all ages in settings from campfires and classrooms to the prestigious Venetian Resort in Las Vegas.Working with very old tales that usually exist in a bare bones form of the original, it is the storyteller’s task to figure out what the story has to say to today’s audience, then choose the words to communicate that message, whether the format is a live storytelling performance or a book.
This free public program is suitable for all ages. Winters will read from her work and offer a short question and answer session before signing books. Copies of books will be available for purchase at the event.
For more information about this program, please contact Library Director Amy Hutchinson at 541-947-6019 or amyh@lakecountylibrary.org. For more information about Winters and her books, check out http://www.kenspeckleproductions.com.