NASA Engineer Shares All About Space Suits 8/22/19, 8/9/2019
Our Summer Reading Program may be ending August 15th, but we still have a few more special space-related activities this summer. On Thursday, August 22nd, at 10 AM, retired NASA engineer Bruce Webbon will tell us all about what’s needed to keep astronauts safe and alive in their journeys into space.

Webbon worked at NASA for 50 years starting as a graduate student in 1968. He was head of the NASA organization responsible for developing space suits and life support for advanced missions like a lunar base and flights to Mars, and was responsible for many projects to apply NASA technology to problems on Earth, particularly medical devices. He will share why we need space suits to go into outer space, how the Apollo program moon suits worked, and answer any questions people might have about NASA.
This free public program is targeted at children in the Summer Reading Program and their families, but anyone interested is welcome to attend. For more information about this program, please contact Youth Library Assistant David Lev at 541-947-6974.