Open House & Furniture Dedication 8/19/2021, 8/7/2021
The Lake County Library Endowment Fund, in conjunction with the Stratton, Myers, and Koefoed families and the Friends of Lake County Library, are hosting an open house and furniture dedication on Thursday, August 19, 2021, at 4:00 PM. Beverages and light hors d’oeuvres will be served at this free event to celebrate donation of a new table and chairs set. The set is in in memory of Virginia and Norman Stratton and Grace and Homer Myers, and in honor of Lois and Ken Koefoed.

Grace Vernon Myers’ and Homer Myers’ families were Oregon pioneers, who settled in Fort Bidwell and Lakeview. They met and married in Lakeview, spending most of their lives there. Grace and Homer worked at and were devoted members of the local Baptist Churches. Virginia Myers Stratton was born and raised in Lakeview. She and Norman both were schoolteachers in Lakeview and were generous contributors to the local community. Virginia served on the Library Endowment Board for over 25 years. Lois Pierson Koefoed and Kenneth Koefoed are 3rd and 4th generation Lake County residents. They graduated from Lakeview High School and attended OTI. Lois was a round-up princess in 1949. She celebrates her 90th birthday in September at the ranch where she grew up. Ken passed in 2017.
The Library Endowment Fund will not be holding their annual dinner in 2021, and board members encourage fund supporters to attend the open house. They plan to have other types of events later in 2021 and early 2022. Donations made to the Lake County Library Building Fund in honor of Virginia Stratton will be matched by the Endowment.
The open house and dedication event is free and open to the public. Questions about the event may be directed to Amy Hutchinson, Lake County Library Director, at 541-947-6019.